Peace of Mind

Our collaborative private workspaces allow clients to be fully engaged in the design process.

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Easy Integration

Our cloud-based solutions are easily integrated into your other cloud applications via our API Framework

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Our solutions use only the latest proven technologies. Relying on the highest industry security standards.

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Why Us?

SoftBytes Inc. has been providing the full range of IT services since 1995. We specialize in translating the power of technology into responsive, innovative client solutions.

SoftBytes has been delivering client solutions since 1995. Our Chief Architect, Joel Felder, has over 30 years of experience in Enterprise Architecure and Application Development
Our team of Architects and Developers are constantly embracing new technology, to determine how it can bring value to our clients. We have deployed client solutions many cloud vendors including MS Azure, Amazon AWS
Because we build a partnership with our clients, we understand your business needs. SoftBytes consistently delivers solutions exceeding our clients' expectations.


SoftBytes is not a "Jack Of All Trades" type of company. We only provide the services that we feel bring the biggest value to our clients. While the technology to implement these services have changed over, the fundamentals of how incorporate them into our solutions hasn't.

Solution Architecture

Architecture is the foundation of all things. Without a strong foundation, Infrastructure, Data and Applications cannot withstand the ever changing business conditions our clients face daily. SoftBytes prides itself on building strong architectures that will last, and can be extended to serve your needs now and in the future.

Solution Development

Like our Architectures, our Solutions are extensible, integratable and easy to maintain. We use the latest development tools and technologies to reduce time to completiom without sacrificing quality

Data Analytics

What do you know about your data? Can you spot business trends? Inefficiencies in your processes? To gain the competetive advantage, you need to know your data. SoftBytes has been enabling companies to harness the power of their data, even data of different varieties, streaming data, or data that’s scattered across multiple systems.

Information Security

If Data is key to you business, then Inforamtion Security is the lock. Without Information Security all your efforts to grow your business can be lost in a click. SoftBytes has access to Information Security experts that have been in the business of protecting business's intellectual assets for decades.

Business Process Automation

Efficiencies drive business. Wastful business processes not only cost money, more importantly they cost time. Time to produce, time to market, time to change. Business Process Automation is the key to scaling up your business processes to handle today's workloads.

Search Technologies

Where's that proposal? Is this the lastest version of the contract? Where do I find HR information? Search technologies enable your company to keep track of all this disparate content. Documents, websites, databases, desktop content, these are goldmines of information but only if you can find them.


Here are some of our client solutions

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Expense Organizer

Rich Client Application Integration

Developed for American Express Travel Services, this application allowed Corporate Travel clients to automatically download and itemize American Express Tracvel charges directly to their corporate Expense systems.

Using web-based API this application was used by some of American Express's largest clients

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Responsive Web Application

MeetingEstimator, a web-based meeting and event cost management tool. Calulates cost for air travel and hotel stay for all meeting participants, including multi-stop events. Additionally, meeting estimates could be saved and compared against actual costs.

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PDR Online

Web Development/Search Technology

PDR Online deliver the Physician's Desk Reference for drugs and their interactions to the web for the first time.

The application listed 1000's of drugs, with a sophisticated search engine behind it, users could look up drugs based on name, shape, manufacturer, treatment and dozens of additional criteria. .

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Cloud Architecture, Responsive Design

The MitoManage web application was a cloud-based industry strength B2C web site. End users could search for product, order using credit card or many of the other payment gateways like PayPal, Google Wallet, iPay.

On the administrative side, the application was a full featured Order/Inventory/Sale and Marketing tool. Owners could track sales in realtime, market items to specific audiences, set up sales/discount and promotions. The solution was integrated with various shipping companies and fullfillment centers.


New Jersey Development Center

  • +1 908.307.6626